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Different Ways Consuming Aloe Vera Can Improve Your Health

Many people are aware of the topical benefits of using aloe vera on your skin, but are you aware that consuming aloe vera is also good for your health? The cactus-like plant has been used for centuries to treat many conditions including hair loss, cuts, and burns, but today people are discovering the health-revitalizing benefits of aloe vera juice and other consumable products. Keep reading to find out how consuming aloe vera can improve your health.

Helping With Stomach Issues

Aloe vera contains a compound called aloin. Aloin is found in the outer pulp of the leaves, and it gives the plant laxative properties. For those who struggle with normal bowel movements, aloe vera juice can be a gentle effective way to treat constipation. According to health expert Dr. Axe, aloe provides 12 different anthraquinones that act as laxatives. People suffering from IBS have also found aloe vera products to help soothe symptoms of this condition.

Improving Blood Sugar

Not only is aloe good for the stomach, but it’s also been used for years to treat blood sugar issues. It’s a common treatment option following many traditional medicine practices. For those dealing with insulin challenges, aloe can help regulate blood sugar and encourage the healthy production of pancreas cells which assist with insulin production.

Holistic doctors recommend taking 300mg of aloe vera extract twice a day for four weeks. This dosage has been shown to improve fasting blood sugar levels (this is not medical advice, please consult a doctor).

Boosting Oral Health

Aloe vera juice and other products also have positive effects on oral health as well. The plant contains many anti-inflammatory properties which can be used to reduce gum inflammation. Gum inflammation is often caused by gum disease. Aloe vera can be consumed in many different forms.

Providing a Source of Vitamins

In addition to these many health benefits, aloe vera juice can also be added to the diet as a healthy source of vitamin C. Vitamin C plays an important role in immune system function. The best way to get vitamin C into your diet is through foods. Although taking vitamin supplements works for many people, it’s not the ideal way to consume vitamins and nutrients. If you’re wanting to get more vitamin C in your day without adding a new supplement, you can add tasty aloe vera juice to your day.

Discover Sasco® Products

These are just a few benefits of aloe vera juice. If you’re looking for aloe products, please contact us at Sasco® Products or check out our inventory today.